Pros and Cons of Selling Your Business: Part 1

One of the first questions I ask a business owner or financial advisor who is thinking about selling his/her business is “Why do you want to sell your business now?” And after the person lists the pros, I ask them to list the negatives to selling their business now. It’s a fruitful exercise for the business owner or financial advisor because it may be the first time the person has spoken the reasons out loud.

To help you think about your reasons for selling or not selling your business, here are 10 reasons NOT to sell your business right now. Next time, I’ll list 10 reasons NOT selling your business right now may be a bad idea.

I need your help with these articles. After reading the pros and cons I came up with, please email me with any other reasons – pros and cons – you can add to this list. Email me at .Thanks in advance.

Here are the 10 reasons NOT to sell your business or financial advisor practice right now.

1. Stability and Control

Retaining ownership means you maintain control over the direction and operations of your business. This can be especially important if you have a deep personal connection to your enterprise or if you've built it from the ground up.

2. Continued Passion and Purpose

For many entrepreneurs and financial advisors, their work is not just a means to an end but a lifelong passion. By holding onto your practice, you can continue to derive personal fulfillment from the work you love.

3. Income Streams and Long-Term Gains

Keeping your business may provide ongoing income streams, especially if it is well-established and has a solid client base. Additionally, the potential for long-term gains and increased valuation could contribute significantly to your financial well-being.

4. Maintaining Client Relationships

Clients often build relationships with individual advisors or the business itself. By retaining ownership, you can ensure continuity in these relationships, fostering trust and loyalty among your client base.

5. Legacy Building

Not selling allows you to build a lasting legacy. Your business or practice can become a testament to your expertise, values, and commitment to excellence, providing a foundation for future generations.

6. Flexibility in Decision-Making

As the owner, you have the flexibility to make decisions quickly and adapt to changing market conditions without needing approval from external stakeholders. This agility can be a significant advantage in dynamic industries.

7. Preservation of Company Culture

Retaining ownership allows you to preserve the unique company culture and values you've cultivated over the years. This can enhance employee satisfaction and attract clients who resonate with your business ethos.

8. Customization of Services

Being in control enables you to customize and adapt your services based on client needs and industry trends without the constraints imposed by a new owner's vision or strategic priorities.

9. Tax Advantages

Depending on your location and the structure of your business, there may be potential tax advantages to maintaining ownership. Consult with tax professionals to explore how these benefits could positively impact your financial position.

10. Intellectual Property and Branding

The intellectual property and brand equity you've built over the years remain under your control. This can be particularly valuable if your brand is well-known and respected within your industry.

What other pros can you think of to selling your business right now? Please email me with any other reasons – pros and cons – you can add to this list. Email me at . Thanks in advance.

Next time, I’ll list reasons why NOT selling your business right now is a bad idea.


Pros and Cons of Selling or Not Selling Your Business Right Now: Part 2


DIY Business Sale: Your Go-To Guide for Selling Without a Broker