5 Easy Steps
Steve Juetten Steve Juetten

5 Easy Steps

When you started your business, you may not have thought about the end game— exiting your business. There are five steps to take to go from where you are to where you want to be.

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Singer/Songwriter Inspired This Blog Post 
Steve Juetten Steve Juetten

Singer/Songwriter Inspired This Blog Post 

Paul Simon wrote the song “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover.” Borrowing from this theme, here are “28 Reasons to Exit Your Business.” See how many of these apply to you and your business.

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Selling a Small Business is Like Fishing
Steve Juetten Steve Juetten

Selling a Small Business is Like Fishing

Thinking about selling your small business may be daunting. Here’s a different way to look at selling your business in a fun way. Think of selling your business like going fishing!

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Planning Your Business Exit Strategy
Steve Juetten Steve Juetten

Planning Your Business Exit Strategy

Thinking of selling your business! Learn how to prepare. You'll learn about the significance of maintaining accurate books, staying organized, and ensuring the well-being of your employees and clients during times of transition.

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